Silhouette of a cowgirl holding a lasso.

Saddle Up: 100+ Inspirational Cowgirl Quotes for Strong Women

From the dusty roads of cowboy country to a playful wink as she adjusts her hat, these cowgirl quotes will take you on a journey through the hearts and minds of independent women.

In a world that’s constantly changing, there’s something reassuringly powerful about the timeless wisdom and strength found in cowgirl quotes. Cowgirl sayings personify strong women with guts who know that the greatest journeys often start with a leap of faith and a swift kick in the a.., er, dust. With every stride, these women have become beacons of hope, inspiring generations to harness the power of their inner cowgirl and live life on their terms.

What does it mean to be a cowgirl? Whether you jump on a horse and herd cows or saddle up and blaze your own trail far away from cowboy country, cowgirls ride through life’s challenges with grace and determination, taking tough situations by the horns and wrestling obstacles out of their way with grace and determination. So slip into a pair of worn blue jeans, pull on a pair of cowgirl boots, and hold onto your hat – because these cowgirl sayings (including a few made by cowboys) will remind you that no matter where life takes you, there’s always room for a little country wisdom to guide you.

Give a girl the right pair of boots and she can conquer the world.

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Table of Contents

A cowboy riding a horse in a rodeo.
Photo Credit: Canva.

Inspirational Cowgirl Quotes

“I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should just go ahead and be one.”
Calamity Jane, American frontierswoman, sharpshooter, and storyteller

“Don’t mess with me fellas! This cowgirl has been to the rodeo before.”
Joan Crawford, American actress

“Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.”
Dale Carnegie, American writer and lecturer 

I figure if a girl wants to be a legend quote by Calamity Jane.

“Aim for the high mark and you will hit it. No, not the first time, not the second time, and maybe not the third. But keep on aiming and keep on shooting, for only practice will make you perfect. Finally, you’ll hit the bull’s-eye of success.”
Annie Oakley, American sharpshooter

“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.”
Winston Churchill, British statesman

“What separates a winner from the rest of the pack is not raw talent or physical ability, it is the drive and dedication to work hard every single day and the heart to go after your dream.”
Linda Mastandrea, American athlete, attorney, and actor

A cowgirl is roping a horse in a rodeo.
Photo Credit: Canva.

“Have an unrelenting belief that things will work out, that the long road has a purpose, that the things that you desire may not happen today, but they will happen.”
Brad Gast

“Here’s to strong women – may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.”
Michelle Obama, former first lady

“Storms make trees take deeper roots.”
Dolly Parton, American country music singer, guitarist, and actress

Cowgirl quotes - it's the way you ride the trail that counts.

“Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”
John Wayne, American actor

“It’s the way you ride the trail that counts.”
Dale Evans, American actress, singer, and songwriter

“Don’t be a lade, be a legend.” 
— Dolly Parton

“Winning in life is more than just money, it’s about winning on the inside and knowing that you have played the game of life with all you had and then some.” 
Doug Firebaugh

“Don’t squat with your spurs on.”
Will Rogers, American performer

She is whiskey in a teacup.”
Dean Brody, Canadian musical artist

“God intended women to be outside as well as men, and they do not know what they are missing when they stay cooped up in the house.”
Annie Oakley, American sharpshooter

“Most cowgirls are natural storytellers, their art honed by years of practice.”
Teresa Jordan, artist and author

“If your hair is done and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get away with anything.”
Iris Apfel, American designer and fashion icon

 “The cowgirl faces life head-on, lives by her own lights, and makes no excuses.”
Dale Evans, American actress, singer, and songwriter

“Learn this well … the last ride is never the last ride, and the end is not the end.”
Richard Rowland, American studio executive and film producer

“If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.”
Will Rogers, American performer

A woman never looks better than on horseback - jane austen quote.

“Half woman, half warrior. Delicate and strong.”
R. H. Sin, American author

“Sweet as sugar, hard as ice. Hurt me once, and I’ll shoot you twice.”
Kathy Rutland

“Look like a girl, act like a lady. Think like a man, and work like a dog.”
Caroline Simon, American lawyer and politician

“You don’t need a new day to start over, you only need a new mindset.”
Hazel Hira Ozbek, poet and musician

“When I was growing up, I dreamed about becoming a cowgirl, a detective, a spy, a great actress, or a ballerina.”
Judy Blume, American writer

“Every cowgirl knows that if you don’t get it right the first time, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and show everybody what you were meant to do.”

“I’ve known a lot of cowboys and a few cowgirls. They’re, by and large, some of the smartest, funniest, most courteous, generous, and hard-working people you’d ever want to know.”
Nancy Pickard, American novelist

A cowgirl in a cowboy hat is lassoing a horse.
Photo Credit: Canva.

Cowgirl Quotes About Horses

“A woman never looks better than on horseback.”
Jane Austen, English novelist

“A horse doesn’t care how much you know until he knows how much you care.”
Pat Parelli, American horse trainer

“Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls, they give us hope!”
Toni Robinson

Don't mess with me fellas cowgirl quote.

“If you fall off a horse, you get back up. I am not a quitter.”
Olivia Wilde, American actress and filmmaker

“A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.”
Pam Brown

“Equestrian art is the perfect understanding and harmony between horse and rider.”
Nuno Oliveira, Portuguese equestrian, horse trainer, and dressage instructor

A woman riding a horse in a grassy field.
Photo Credit: Canva.

“Whether it’s horses or whatever it is you do, it doesn’t become an art until your soul goes into what you do.”
Buck Brannaman, American horse trainer

“When I see your horse, I see you too. It shows me everything you are, everything about the horse.”
Ray Hunt

“I’ve often said there is nothing better for the inside of the man than the outside of the horse.”
Ronald Reagan, American actor and former president

“The horse is a mirror to your soul. Sometimes you might not like what you see. Sometimes you will.”
Buck Brannaman, American horse trainer

“In riding a horse, we borrow freedom.”
Helen Thomson

A girl wearing a pink tutu and cowboy boots.
Photo Credit: Canva.

Sassy Cowgirl Quotes

“Cowgirl is an attitude, really, a pioneer spirit, a special American brand of courage.”
Dale Evans, American actress, singer, and songwriter

“Good girls are made of sugar and spice, cowgirls are made of whiskey on ice.”
Rita Cynder

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Except cowgirls. Cowgirls will kill you.”
Ray Cole

“Boots, class and a little sass, that’s what cowgirls are made of.”
— Candice Nichols

“Don’t be like the rest of them, darling.”
Grace Kelly, American actress and princess of Monaco

“Cowgirl or Belle. Just not Cow Belle.”
Belinda McBride, American writer

“Give a girl the right pair of boots, and she can conquer the world.”
Marilyn Monroe, American actress, model, and singer

“I went down like a drunken cowgirl trying to line dance to Metallica.”
Darynda Jones, American author

Silhouette of a cowgirl holding a lasso at sunset.
Photo Credit: Canva.

Quotes for Cowgirls to Use on Instagram

  • A cowgirl at heart, always and forever
  • A cowgirl is a woman with guts and a horse
  • A cowgirl knows no fear
  • A cowgirl never gives up, she just finds a new horse to ride
  • A cowgirl stands up for what’s right, even if she stands alone
  • A cowgirl’s heart is always in the right place, even if her boots aren’t 
  • A cowgirl’s soul is wild and free
  • A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll
  • A little bit of sunshine mixed with a whole lot of wild
  • A true cowgirl never backs down from a challenge
  • A true cowgirl never lets anyone dull her sparkle
  • All horses deserve, at least once in their lives, to be loved by a cowgirl
  • Be happy with what you have while working hard for what you want
  • Being a cowgirl means being tough as nails
  • Boots, class and a lil’ sass, that’s what cowgirls are made of
  • Boots, spurs, and a whole lot of sass
  • Chase your dreams like a cowgirl chases her next adventure
  • Chasing dreams … and cows
  • Confirming I’m on the right path
  • Cowboys are proof that cowgirls can take a joke
  • Cowgirl: A better-looking cowboy with brains
  • Cowgirl by birth, rebel by choice
  • Cowgirl by day, dreamer by night
  • Cowgirl up and let’s ride!
  • Cowgirl vibes
  • Cowgirls are God’s wildest angels, using cowboy hats for halos and horses for wings
  • Cowgirls are like wildflowers, they bloom where they’re planted
  • Cowgirls don’t cry, they just dust off and ride
  • Cowgirls may not have wings, but they have horses, and that’s close enough
  • Dirt is cowgirl glitter
  • Don’t let anyone tame you
  • Don’t sell your saddle
  • Don’t step on my cowgirl boots
  • Down for riding any time
  • Every day is a good day when you ride
  • Forget glass slippers, this princess wears cowboy boots
A couple wearing cowboy boots with the quote forget glass slippers this princess wears cowboy boots.


  • Horses and life, they’re the same to me
  • Horses make a landscape look beautiful
  • I am a free spirit – either admire me from the ground or fly with me, but don’t ever try to change me
  • I may not be perfect, but at least I’m not fake
  • I’d rather ride on a Mustang than in one
  • If a cowgirl is smiling, she’s thinking of doing something crazy. If she’s laughing, she’s already done it.
  • If I ever let my head down, it’s just to admire my boots
  • In a world full of princesses, be a cowgirl
  • It ain’t the clothes that make the cowgirl, it’s the attitude and the heart
  • It’s okay to stare, I know my horse is awesome!
  • Just a cowgirl living her best life
  • Keep calm and cowgirl on
  • Keep your soul clean and your boots dirty
  • Life is better in cowboy boots
  • Life is better on horseback
  • Life’s too short to wear boring boots
  • Life is tough, but cowgirls are tougher!
  • Life is tough, darlin,’ but so are you!
  • Live well. Laugh often. Love horses.
  • Long roads often lead to beautiful rodeos
In a world full of princesses, be a cowgirl.


  • Never underestimate a cowgirl’s strength
  • No time spent in a saddle is ever wasted
  • Not all princesses wear crowns, some wear cowboy hats
  • Remember that girl who gave up? Neither does anyone else.
  • Ride like a cowgirl, because cowgirls can do anything boys can do
  • Ride like a cowgirl, live like a queen
  • Ride until the dust settles, then ride some more
  • Saddle up, and let’s ride into the sunset
  • See the beauty in everyday things
  • Some girls are born to be princesses, but I was born to be a cowgirl
  • Sometimes all you need is a dirt road and some country music
  • Strong willed and free spirited, that’s the cowgirl way
  • Take me home, country roads
  • The only drama a cowgirl needs is in her saddle
  • The only thing crazier than a barrel racer is her horse
  • The path to my heart is paved in hoof prints
  • This cowgirl loves her cowboy
  • We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong – the effort is the same
  • What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us
  • When all the other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers, I wanted to be a cowgirl
  • When life gets tough, the tough become cowgirls
  • When people say “it’s just a horse,” they just don’t understand
  • Wherever your trail takes you, don’t be discouraged by the puddles
  • You’re not a real woman until you’ve been in a rodeo
  • You were made to do hard things, so believe in yourself!

Do You Have a Favorite Cowgirl Quote?

Is there a great quote about cowgirls missing from this list? Share it in the comments section below.

Thank you for sharing!

Purple horizontal line with a gold crown logo.

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